Made Edy Arudi

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Made Edy Arudi
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In English

Made Edy Arudi is a poet and a civil servant teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Sukasada - Bali, born October 22, 1978. His poems are often published in the National Bali Post newspaper, his other works can also be read in several poetry anthologies together, such as: Klungkung: Tanah Tua Tanah Cinta (2016), Anthology of Poems of 100 Poets of the Archipelago “When the Birds Have Gone” (2016), Finding Childhood in the Body of Advice (2016), Madah Merdu Kamadhatu (2017), Ijen Valley Smile (2018), and Chewing Furious Against Corruption (2018), etc.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Made Edy Arudi adalah penyair dan seorang guru PNS di SMP Negeri 2 Sukasada - Bali, kelahiran 22 Oktober 1978. Puisi-puisinya sering dimuat di koran Nasional Bali Post, karya-karya lainnya juga dapat dibaca di beberapa buku antologi puisi bersama, seperti: Klungkung: Tanah Tua Tanah Cinta (2016), Antologi Puisi 100 Penyair Nusantara “Ketika Burung-burung Itu Telah Pergi” (2016), Menemukan Kekanak di Tubuh Petuah (2016), Madah Merdu Kamadhatu (2017), Senyum Lembah Ijen (2018), dan Mengunyah Geram Melawan Korupsi (2018), dll.

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