Balastik (Bakti Lingkungan)

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Name of environmental initiative
Balastik (Bakti Lingkungan)
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Ngolah Luu

Suartini Smanbara

41 months ago
Votes 5++
Wahhhh sangat bagus sekali untuk anak muda bisa membangun anak muda yg kreatif dan berguna untuk bangsa

Gusti Ayu Gek Wigastuti

41 months ago
Votes 4++

Wahh keren sangat menginspirasi dan sangat kreatif

Semangat 🔥✨


41 months ago
Votes 4++
Semangat kakak dan teman-teman🙌

I Kadek Dwika darmayasa

41 months ago
Votes 4++
Ini adalah ide yang sangat kreatif ,saya akhirnya bisa menemukan solusi untuk permasalahan saya dari sampah di lingkungan rumah sampai bisa membatu ekonomi saya yang direnggut oleh pandemi ini terimakasih BasaBaliwiki dan pembuat ide gagalasan ini saya sangat mendukung program ini

Adi Hendra

41 months ago
Votes 5++
Semangat, semoga juara. Untuk kajian yang dilakukan itu sangat bagus 🔥🔥🔥


41 months ago
Votes 3++
Keren sih ini,semoga bisa segera dioperasi kan di masyarakat dan bisa menjadi solusi untuk permasalahan sampah ini saya mau ikut berpartisipasi dalam UKM ini


41 months ago
Votes 3++

Waah sangat keren kerajinan yang dibuat sangat menarik dan bagus

Semoga juara


41 months ago
Votes 1++
Wah keren sekali, dan bisa memberikan inspirasi kepada orang lain. Semangat dan semoga juara


41 months ago
Votes 1++
Anak muda yang sangat kreatif bisa membentuk UKM ini semoga bisa mengurangi sampah di lingkungan kerja saya


41 months ago
Votes 1++

Wah karya yang sangat bagus semoga bisa membuat

Lingkungan kita terbebas dari sampah🙏


41 months ago
Votes 1++
Bagus banget
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The problem is the action plan that we can do to reduce the buildup of plastic waste is to turn the plastic waste into items that are more useful and have economic value through the formation of youth associations or can be called SMEs or small and medium businesses that are specifically engaged in the production of handicrafts made from waste that can later be economically valuable, the benefits of forming SMEs are reducing the accumulation of waste creating jobs for people who Losing jobs during this pandemic creates more creative and innovative young people

Why does the innovation or project matter?

Because it realy has in imfacton readucing waste building jobs and increcing people,s insight and creativiting what else really lelps the commonity,s e conomy.

How do you or your team know that the innovation or project is working (or making a positive contribution)?

by first making the craft as att active as possible and explaining the benefits of the project in order to attlact consumers,interest and ensure that many people are interested.

What has contributed to the innovation or project working?

By making new innnovations that are more uniclue , marketing through social media and collaborating with souvenir shop or directing creating a souvenir shop.

What else would help the innovation or project be more successful?

By collaborating with organizations enggaged in umkm sector and participation in local wisdom festivals to showcase crafts.

Is the innovation or project self-sustaining? If not, what needs to be done for that to happen?

This project will be sustainable if the community is a were of the dangers of plastif waste and the commonity actively contributes to waste processing besides that accomulation of waste in bali over time will continue to be sustain able if not addressed immediately.

What Balinese value does this initiative invoke?

related to local cultural wisdom, namely on the day of Saraswati the bag can be used as a place to put things if the items we carry are small, such as cellphones and canang saris.

People/groups to contact

Ni Luh Ayu Gladis Tiya

Putu Suartini Putu Vina Emilia Kadek Septiasari

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