Ngaryanin Meja antuk Ekobricks

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Ecobricks dari Sampah Plastik menjadi Meja.jpg
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Ngaryanin Meja antuk Ekobricks
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Jury comments

Intro video ini sangat menarik, namun sayang sekali pesan yang disampaikan seperti tidak utuh hingga akhir video. Saran kalau bikin video tutorial, sampaikan langkah-langkah dalam pembuatan Ecobrick agar penonton lebih mengerti. Dwi Jayanthi - PlastikDetox

Widya Saraswati

40 months ago
Votes 0++
semangattttt yey

Arya Yudha Pratama

40 months ago
Votes 1++
ayoo semangat kawan kawan🔥

Agus Suambaranata

39 months ago
Votes 0++
Becik pisan niki. Tiang mara nawang yen sampah plastik dadi anggon ngae meja. Biasane tiang meli meja kayu anggon kejep suba usak engselne, buina enggal rapuh ulian amah tetani. Kewala yen meja aji plastik cara kene asane lebih awet krana sing lakar telah amah tetani buina kuat. Lenan kading ento, yen lakar ngae meja plastik suba pasti liu nelahang sampah plastik. Ento ane ngranayang liu luu plastik ane dadi olah. Sabilang ngliwatin suung, tiang sai makeneh "Mone liun luu plastike, sing dadi anggon gena. Makelo-kelo gumi Baline lakar misi luu dogenan.". Tusing ja di TPA dogenan luune masepuk. Yen awai dogen tukang sampah tusing nyemak luu ka umah-umah, jeg suba masepuk luu jumah tiange. Nanging sekat mabalih video nenenan, tiang maan inspirasi. Suksma ilmunya niki.
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As we all know the amount of waste in Bali has been increasing day by day. According to Bali produces 829 tons of plastic waste per day and only 7% is recycled. Therefore, we innovate to process plastic waste into ecobricks and arrange them into tables. In addition to having benefits for the surrounding environment, the results of this activity can also be used for sale so that it has economic value.


as we all know the amount of waste in Bali has been increasing day by day. According to Bali produces 829 tons of plastic waste per day and only 7% is recycled. Therefore, we innovate to process plastic waste into ecobricks and arrange them into tables. In addition to having benefits for the surrounding environment, the results of this activity can also be used for sale so that it has economic value.

Why does the innovation or project matter?

How do you or your team know that the innovation or project is working (or making a positive contribution)?

What has contributed to the innovation or project working?

What else would help the innovation or project be more successful?

Is the innovation or project self-sustaining? If not, what needs to be done for that to happen?

What Balinese value does this initiative invoke?

People/groups to contact

- Ni Putu Ayu Widya Saraswati

- Putu Irma Rianingsih - Putu Nadin Saskirani Putri - Putu Arya Yudha Pratama

- Ketut Yodi Mahamerta