Start from Small Things Project

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Start from Small Things Project
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Dwijendra Senior High School (Bali) and DC International School (USA)
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@sfstproject (Instagram)

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25 months ago
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How can you improve your environment?

In this video, we explain our project about plastic waste issue. We provide an explanation of small things you can do to reduce plastic waste. Our team consist of 5 students from Bali and USA.


Do you know that according to Surfers Against Sewage, there’s approximately 51 trillion microscopic pieces of plastic, weighing 269,000 tons in the ocean. That is about the same as 1345 adult blue whales. Most of these wastes come from land-based sources especially from industry spills. What harm can this do to the environment? For wildlife such as fish, dolphins, seabirds and seals it can be deadly as they become entangled or ingest plastic debris, causing suffocation, starvation, and drowning. Some even mistaken it as their food especially turtles.

Plastic issues is increasing overtime because there’s one main problem. That problem is the “people”. Why the people? Because a lot of people don’t realize how serious this problem is. They would just litter everywhere. This is a habit that people still unfortunately do in their daily life. No matter how small the plastic waste is, eventually it will pile up in a large amount and can cause bad effect for the environment in the long run. In general, people these days are aware of the ongoing plastic pollution problem. The thing is, more often than not, they don't know where to start. They want to but it takes quite some time to do the research. They think that it is time-consuming and complicated, leading to no action at all at the end. Some even feel intimidated to start due to how big and “extreme” the steps that are being spread and campaigned on the internet. Something they don’t realize is that they can start anywhere anytime by doing small steps periodically and building a good habit. Related to this, SFST comes in handy. SFST (Start from Small Things) project is a collaboration between team 3 of US and Indonesian students in order to participate in the environmental sustainability competition held by Wikithon Bali. This project contains online campaign using Instagram as the platform. The main idea of the project is to remind people that everything you do including the smallest thing matters. Our Instagram is full of contents talking on fun facts and tips about how to start your own “zero-waste” journey. You can check us out on @/sfstproject.

So what can we conclude from this? The conclusion is that plastic waste issue can be reduced or even resolved when people come together to take part in this plastic waste issue. That is our main objective with SFST (Start from Small Things), to influence people so that people come together to take part in reducing plastic waste.

Why does the innovation or project matter?

This project matter because we discuss an important environmental issue, which is plastic waste issue. This is an ongoing issue around the globe and we must do something about it. If we don't, our earth will be filled with plastic waste that are harmful for the environment. For example, sea organisms are contaminated with plastic waste. This happens because a lot of people still don't care about plastic waste issue and ignoring the effect that it has on the environment.

How do you or your team know that the innovation or project is working (or making a positive contribution)?

We know because from this online campaign project, a lot of people have shared our online campaign on their Instagram account. Automatically, their followers also see our campaign. This makes people realize the seriousness of plastic waste issue.

What has contributed to the innovation or project working?

Making people realize the seriousness of plastic waste issue on the environment. When they do realize, they will do their part by keeping the environment clean from the plastic waste no matter how small it is.

What else would help the innovation or project be more successful?

Full support from the community and the government would surely help this project be more successful than it already is. When the community and government support this project, surely we can reach more people and they will do their part.

Is the innovation or project self-sustaining? If not, what needs to be done for that to happen?

Yes, this project is self-sustaining. Why? Because plastic waste is still an ongoing environmental issue in the world and we believe that this project will create a long term positive effect on changing people's mindset regarding plastic waste.

What Balinese value does this initiative invoke?

In Balinese Hinduism, there is a relation between human to human, human to nature, and human to god. It's called Tri Hita Karana, which means three causes of happiness. In this case, human to nature relation relate to our topic. This relation is called Palemahan in Hinduism.

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