Barong Landung

From BASAbaliWiki
Barong Landung
Photo Credit/Source
Artist / contributor
Dewi Dian Reich Dian Sawidji
Related Place
Sawidji Gallery, Danau Batur
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  • barong landung
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  • barong landung

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In English

It is believed that the Barong Landung is the manifestation of a royal couple, the King Jayapangus and his Chinese Consort Kang Cing Wie.

The story goes, that the royal couple were deeply in love but after many years had not been blessed with children. In need of a successor, the King went to Mount Batur to meditate and seek guidance. As he meditated there he met and took as his second wife the Dewi Danu. The daughter of the Goddess of Lake Batur. It is after this second marriage that conflict continued to haunt the family of the King Jayapangus. In summary, The Goddess of the Lake, angry to see her daughter hurt and betrayed. Because of this She destroyed King Jayapangus and his first wife Kang Cing Wie.

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In Balinese

In Indonesian

Dipercayai bahwa Barong Landung adalah manifestasi dari pasangan kerajaan, Raja Jayapangus dan Permaisuri Cina Kang Cing Wie.

Cerita berlanjut, bahwa pasangan kerajaan itu sangat mencintai tetapi setelah bertahun-tahun tidak juga dikaruniai anak. Membutuhkan penerus, Raja pergi ke Gunung Batur untuk bertapa dan mencari petunjuk. Saat dia bertapa di sana dia bertemu dan mengambil sebagai istri keduanya Dewi Danu. Putri Dewi Danau Batur. Setelah pernikahan kedua inilah konflik terus menghantui keluarga Raja Jayapangus. Singkatnya, Dewi Danau, marah melihat putrinya terluka dan dikhianati. Karena itu Dia menghancurkan Raja Jayapangus dan istri pertamanya Kang Cing Wie.

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