Culmination Calm In Nation

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Culmination Calm In Nation
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Artist / contributor
Biography of Dewi Dian Reich Dian Sawidji, Biography of Nyoman Butur Suantara ManButur, Biography of I Gusti Dibal Ranuh Dibal Ranuh, made kaek, Biography of Mas Ruscitadewi, Biography of Eric Buvelot Eric Buvelot
Fine Art
Related Place
Santrian Art Gallery, Place Sawidji Gallery Ubud
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Related Performance Arts
  • dance
  • poetry
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Related Public Voices
  • popo danes

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Culmination Book Final Page 08.jpg
Culmination Book Page 19.jpg
Culmination Book Final Page 54.jpg

In English

Culmination Calm In Nation, at Santrian Art Gallery Sanur, Bali.

Sawidji in partnership with Santrian Art Gallery presents a multi-disciplinary group exhibition by artists and writers domestic and international. Reflecting on issues that are currently developing around us. Considering and feeling the social conditions within Indonesia today as well as the wider global context. Joining our voices in one goal to share peaceful thoughts and tolerant action. Claiming human values, peace, togetherness, and mutual respect, with all forms of differences.

Bringing to a point of culmination a wide range of creative voices toward a positive impact on the community. Art is a bridge for nurturing peaceful social consciousness. We thank Ida Bagus Gede Sidharta Putra of Santrian Art Gallery.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Puncak Calm In Nation, di Santrian Art Gallery Sanur, Bali.

Sawidji bekerja sama dengan Santrian Art Gallery menghadirkan pameran kelompok multidisiplin karya seniman dan penulis dalam dan luar negeri. Berkaca pada permasalahan yang saat ini berkembang di sekitar kita. Mempertimbangkan dan merasakan kondisi sosial di Indonesia saat ini serta konteks global yang lebih luas. Menggabungkan suara kami dalam satu tujuan untuk berbagi pemikiran damai dan tindakan toleran. Mengklaim nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, perdamaian, kebersamaan, dan saling menghormati, dengan segala bentuk perbedaan.

Menghadirkan berbagai suara kreatif menuju dampak positif bagi masyarakat. Seni adalah jembatan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran sosial yang damai. Kami berterima kasih kepada Ida Bagus Gede Sidharta Putra dari Santrian Art Gallery.
<ul><li>Property "SummaryTopic" (as page type) with input value "Culmination Calm In Nation, a Sawidji Collaboration. A multi-disciplinary art exhibition from 10th May to 29th June 2024. In partnership with Santrian Art Gallery. Featuring national and international artists and writers. Officiated by Ida Bagus Gede Sidharta Putra. Inaugurated by Popo Danes. Program and curation by Dian Dewi Sawidji Gallery." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "SummaryTopic id" (as page type) with input value "Puncak Calm In Nation, Kolaborasi Sawidji. Pameran seni multidisiplin dari 10 Mei hingga 29 Juni 2024. Bekerja sama dengan Santrian Art Gallery. Menampilkan seniman dan penulis nasional dan internasional. Diresmikan oleh Ida Bagus Gede Sidharta Putra. Diresmikan oleh Popo Danes. Program dan kurasi oleh Galeri Dian Dewi Sawidji." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>