Gede Geruh

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Gede Geruh
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In English

Gede Geruh, born in Pedungan, Denpasar, Bali, July 17, 1915. He is the maestro of the Gambuh dance. He has been pursuing dance since the age of six. Even though he was illiterate, he can master all kinds of songs in Old Javanese (Kawi) that accompany the Gambuh performance. Gambuh is estimated to have entered from Java to Bali since the reign of King Udayana in Bali, around the 10th century AD. In the mid-1960s, the Indonesian Dance Academy (ASTI, now ISI) Denpasar, made Geruh an important resource for researching and reconstructing the rare Gambuh dance. Geruh was once appointed as an Extraordinary Lecturer at ASTI Denpasar. From this Geruh, ASTI was then able to combine Gambuh with Gong Semar Pagulingan as an accompaniment so that the term Gambuh Anyar was born. Originally, the Gambuh dance was often accompanied by rabab and flute instruments.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Gede Geruh, lahir di Pedungan, Denpasar, Bali, 17 Juli 1915. Ia adalah maestro seni tari Gambuh. Menekuni seni tari sejak usia enam tahun. Meski buta huruf alias tak bisa baca-tulis, namun segala jenis tembang berbahasa Jawa Kuna (Kawi) yang mengiringi pertunjukan Gambuh mampu dikuasainya di luar kepala. Gambuh diperkirakan masuk dari Jawa ke Bali sejak pemerintahan Raja Udayana di Bali, sekitar abad ke-10 Masehi. Pertengahan dasawarsa 1960-an, Akademi Seni Tari Indonesia (ASTI, kini ISI) Denpasar, menjadikan Geruh narasumber penting untuk riset dan merekonstruksi tari Gambuh yang langka itu. Geruh pernah diangkat menjadi Dosen Luar Biasa di ASTI Denpasar. Dari Geruh inilah ASTI kemudian dapat memadukan Gambuh dengan Gong Semar Pagulingan sebagai pengiring sehingga lahir istilah Gambuh Anyar. Aslinya, tarian Gambuh banyak diiringi instrumen rabab dan suling.

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