Ida Bagus Tilem

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Full Name
Ida Bagus Tilem
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In English

Ida Bagus Tilem was a sculptor who was born in Mas, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali, on December 13, 1936 and died November 20, 1993. Since childhood he learned to sculpt from his father, Ida Bagus Nyana. His works feature visuals that captivate art lovers. After his first trip abroad when he was chosen to represent Indonesia at the New York World Fair in 1964, he diligently held exhibitions abroad, such as Thailand, Hong Kong, Australia, Germany, Austria, and Mexico.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Ida Bagus Tilem adalah seorang seniman patung kelahiran Mas, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali, pada 13 Desember 1936 dan meninggal 20 November 1993. Sejak kecil dia belajar memahat pada ayahnya, Ida Bagus Nyana. Karya-karyanya menampilkan visual yang memikat pencinta seni. Setelah perjalanan pertamanya ke luar negeri ketika terpilih mewakili Indonesia pada New York World Fair tahun 1964, dia rajin menggelar pameran di luar negeri, seperti Thailand, Hongkong, Australia, Jerman, Austria, dan Meksiko.

Examples of work

karya 1
Tilem 1.jpg
karya 2
karya 3