In English
Sanur is one of the icons of Bali's well-known tourism. The establishment of a Belgian painter named Adrien-Jean Leyur de Merpres in Sanur is the history of the development of the coastal area of Sanur. Along with the increasing development of tourism, in 1957 the first hotel in Sanur Village was built with the name Hotel Sindhu Beach, followed by the construction of the Bali Beach Hotel which began operating in 1966. Although marine tourism was not yet known at that time, in Sanur a development project for Sanur was formed. which was called the Beach Market in 1971. The Beach Market provides sailing services by jukung, namely traditional boats, exhibitions of sculptures, paintings, dance performances and the management of cafes and restaurants.
In Balinese
In Indonesian
Sanur merupakan salah satu ikon pariwisata Bali yang sudah terkenal. Menetapnya pelukis Belgia bernama Adrien-Jean Lemayur de Merpres di Sanur merupakan sejarah perkembangan kawasan pesisir Sanur. Seiring perkembangan pariwisata yang semakin meningkat, pada tahun 1957 dibangunlah hotel pertama di Desa Sanur dengan nama Hotel Sindhu Beach, disusul pembangunan Hotel Bali Beach yang mulai beroparasi pada tahun 1966. Meskipun wisata bahari belum dikenal saat itu, di Sanur sudah terbentuk suatu proyek pengembangan Sanur yang disebut Beach Market pada tahun 1971. Beach Market tersebut menyajikan jasa pelayaran dengan jukung yaitu perahu-perahu tradisional, pameran patung-patung, lukisan, pertunjukan tari-tarian dan pengelolaan kafe dan restoran.
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