many traditions in bali

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    In English

    One of the traditions in Bali is ogoh-ogoh. Ogoh-ogoh is one of the traditions of the Balinese people in order to welcome the celebration of the Holy Day of Nyepi. The ogoh-ogoh tradition which is held before the Nyepi celebration has its meaning and history. Ogoh-Ogoh is also a sculptural art originating from Balinese culture which depicts the personality of Bhuta Kala.

    In Balinese

    Tradisi ring bali wenten sane mewasta ogoh - ogoh. Ogoh - ohoh inggih punika wenten pas hari suci nyepi ring bali. Tradisi puniki polih maknane. Ogoh - ogoh menggambarkan bhutakala.

    In Indonesian

    Salah satu tradisi di bali yaitu ogoh - ogoh. Ogoh-ogoh merupakan salah satu tradisi masyarakat Bali dalam rangka menyambut perayaan Hari Suci Nyepi. Tradisi ogoh-ogoh yang diselenggarakan sebelum perayaan Nyepi ini memiliki makna dan sejarahnya. Ogoh-Ogoh juga termasuk seni patung yang berasal dari kebudayaan masyarakat Bali yang menggambarkan kepribadian dari Bhuta Kala.