Manitain The Preservation Of The Temple From Upakara Waste

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This is a Response to the Sampah Upacara wikithon

luu bekas sembahyang nike,Liu pesan ad di pulau Bali,nto ngeranaang luu di Bali paling Liu krane luu upakara ,kengken cara sane melah apang luu Nike Ten Liu,uling luu bunga Nike dados irage keringang lan irage Anggo bubuk ne Nike Anggo ngae campuran dupa aromaterapi,luu sane lianan dados anggen pupuk atau sing dados kaanggon kompos

Sebuah sampah bekas persembahyangan sangat menumpuk dan banyak terutama pada pura-pura yang besar,sampah dari pura itu sebagian besar yaitu sampah upakara berupa canang.Sampah-sampah tersebut belum diikuti dengan upaya pengolahan yang benar,karena sampah-sampah itu biasanya dibawa ke TPA lalu ditimbun dengan sampah anorganik & residu. Jadi dengan demikian, diperlukan alat alternatif lain yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengolah sampah canang.Tau kah kalian bagaimana cara untuk mengurangi atau pun mengelola sampah itu ? Yang pertama, kita bisa menjadikan sampah bunga yang dapat kita keringkan untuk digunakan sebagai bahan campuran pembuatan dupa aromatherapi.Yang kedua kita bisa menjadikan sampah bunga sumber material pembuatan biofuel.

Religious ceremonies, especially in Bali, often produce a lot of waste. Processing this ceremonial waste is a challenge and opportunity. On the one hand, ceremonial waste can pollute the environment and damage aesthetics, especially around holy places. On the other hand, ceremonial waste has the potential to be processed. into products that have economic value and are beneficial to the environment. Do you know how to reduce or manage waste? We can turn organic waste such as flowers and food waste into compost. This compost can be used to fertilize the soil and improve the quality of the soil around the temple, and we can also make processed incense by using the remaining flowers into aromatherapy incense. Apart from that Organic waste can also be processed into Eco Enzyme. Eco enzyme can reduce the use of dangerous chemicals and help protect the environment, by processing waste into eco enzyme, and the results can be a source of income for local communities by selling recycled eco enzyme products. Waste Processing The ceremony is not only about maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of the environment, but also about preserving nature and culture. Through effective processing of ceremonial waste, we can create a cleaner and healthier environment.

Under 16

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