The tradition is held every so many years and is part of a series of coming-of-age rituals for prospective daha (girls) and teruna (boys) in Tenganan Pegringsingan.
Daha and teruna candidates are those who are declared physically ready, and follow the stages determined by the Customary Village.
The metimpugan tradition is held during the day.
Six daha sit on a so-called Bale with their backs to the teruna. The girls are not allowed to bring any items, except for a cloth measuring 2 x 2 meters for the head covering and back.
Teruna throws (metimpugan) mud at the back of the prospective daha after declaring it is ready.
The boys throw a mixture of mud, cow droppings and jackfruit. The ritual takes over 2 hours and is carried out in three places, namely Asram Ganti Wayah, Ganti Nengah, and Ganti Nyoman.
@Tribun Bali
@Buana Bali
Upacara metimpugan, dimana para daha duduk dan dilempari oleh para pengawin (teruna), dengan tanah yang dicampur air, nangka dan kotoran kerbau, para daha tidak boleh bangun dari duduknya. Ini merupakan proses pendewaasaan.
@ Culture Bali
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