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From BASAbaliWiki
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The island of Bali has been inextricably bound up with the tourism industry. This article examines the dynamic Balinese cultural identity and its ever-changing relationship with tourism in the age of globalism through the analysis of a case study: the construction of the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park (between 1993–2018), containing an enormous statue of the Hindu God Wisnu mounting the magical bird Garuda. The park and statue can be seen as a new cultural landmark for the Indonesian nation and for the Balinese tourism industry. However, the case study of the park also shows how Bali has changed its role within the Indonesian archipelago since the fall of the Suharto regime in 1998 while dealing with new challenges of global tourism. Representations of a Balinese cultural identity have evolved from national, top-down level constructions of ‘cultural tourism’ into a global tourist destination through hosting international events at the park.  +
seni budaya bali seni budaya bali kasub antuk akéhnyané seni tradisional bali. kawéntenan seni rakyat sakadi seni tradisional dados aset sané mabuat sané sampun panglimbak pariwisata ring pulau dewata bali. mangda seni bali sayan kasub, iraga ngawigunayang pariwisata pinaka sarana nglimbakang seni bali ring para wisatawan mangda seni bali sayan nglimbak lan sayan kasub ring dura negara. mangda seni bali nenten ical wenten makudang-kudang pamargi: 1. ngawigunayang seni bali ring sajeroning pakaryan soang-soang. 2. malajahin budaya lokal. 3. ngenahang seni budaya ring makudang-kudang wewidangan. 4. ngawangun budaya pinaka identitas. 5. ngekspor barang seni. 6. nenten ngutang tradisi tradisional. 7. ngawigunayang produk lokal. 8. uning ring budaya soang-soang. 9. malajah indik budaya, taler. 10.nenten keni panglalah saking budaya dura negara. ngiring ajegang seni budaye bali mangde tetep lestari Let's keep Balinese culture in order to remain sustainable  +
Translation plays an important role in transferring the data among languages. Thus, translation is not just about translating languages, but also exploring cultures. This can be seen from the translation of traditional Balinese food menus which used to present various names of special dishes as part of Balinese local wisdom. The translation of traditional Balinese food menus is interesting to study since there are no professional translators involved in making it and the emergence of various technical terms are not easy to translate. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method to analyze data and determine the translation strategy by considering the aspects of ingredients, taste, size, process, and shape. The theoretical framework by Newmark (1988) was applied to examine the data. The results of the analysis show that the food menu translation strategy which includes expansion and descriptive equivalent are based on several aspects of food menu translation.  +
Balinese friendly Bali is very well known among foreign tourists because of its tolerance and high tolerance towards new residens who come to Bali which makes Bali a unique island very different from several other regions in Indonesia. the hope for the future is for Bali to increase its tolerance and tolerance for newcomers who come to Bali so that Bali is increasingly known, which will increase tourism in Bali.  +
Undang-Undang dasar 1945 Pasal 32 ayat 2 and Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 provide a vast opportunity for the local community to manage their capacity in every aspect of their life. In the application of the otonomy, local community has an opportunity to preserve their social cultural values as their identity of their community. Balinese can basically be recognised by their language (phonic form) they use as well as their traditions (physical forms) they practice. These aspects are commonly used as a symbol of identity by the Balinese ethnic community nationally and internationally. This symbol needs to be maintained for the shake of the Balinese community preservation. The purpose of this study is to explain the position of Balinese Language in the global era as a symbol of identity for the community. The study focuses on the description of the Balinese identity related to the Balinese language. One function of language is as symbol of identity. Balinese has this role for its community and it is also a pride. This condition can be proven by the development of the use of the Balinese language in time. At the present time Balinese has their function as a mean for expressing their cultural aspects. However, in this global era, the Balinese language develops naturally in line with the need of the user. The internal as well as the external problems of the language use in Balinese community need to be identified in order to find out the solution for maintaining the language, in turn the language itself is still continually function as a symbol of Balinese community.  +
Lawar is cooking in the form of a mixture of vegetables and evenly seasoned minced meat originating from Bali. This food is commonly served in Balinese households or sold widely in restaurants as Balinese lawar. Lawar is made from chopped boiled meat, vegetables, some spices such as turmeric, candlenut, shallots, garlic, and coconut. Sometimes in some types of lawar, an element is given that can add to the taste of the lawar, namely blood from the meat itself. The blood is mixed with certain spices to make the lawar delicious. Lawar cannot last long, if left in the open air it only lasts half a day.  +
Balinese local wisdom includes social wisdom such as kakawin, pupuh, and Balinese songs, as well as environmental wisdom such as subak, toddy, and the influence of Balinese kasunyatan. All this wisdom teaches devotion to nature and a way of living in harmony with nature. In Balinese life, this local wisdom is very important to maintain and pass on.  +
Besides Indonesian, Balinese is the language used in daily communication, we as Balinese should be able to speak Balinese. But there are still people who don't understand and can't speak Balinese, especially people who live in urban areas. I Made Andy Sudarma Putra is a Caucasian who comes from abroad who can and fluently speak Balinese, not only Balinese andap and he can also speak Balinese alus. We, as Balinese, especially people who cannot speak Balinese, should be ashamed of being defeated by outsiders who are not native to Bali. I invite all my friends to start learning languages so that Balinese culture remains sustainable  +
Om Swastyastu I'm Dinda Ariyani, in my opinion the Balinese language is pinaka or Balinese culture, yening akahnyane sampun kukuh sinah tarunnyane pastika bakuh. Language as a means of communication has a very important function in life, because without language humans cannot speak. Like the Balinese language wiki which has existed since 2011 by providing 3 languages namely Balinese, Indonesian and English by presenting various interesting features in it, it can help the community, especially young Balinese people to learn Balinese through translators, information and discourse related to issue. civil society issues. As young people in Bali, their mother tongue or Balinese language should no longer exist because nowadays their mother tongue is often abandoned. Ladies and gentleman, we need to know that convenience in all things exists in this era. We should be able to make more use of the existing Balinese wiki language application, especially since this application has received an award from UNESCO and is used by 80 countries. In my opinion, teachers in schools should be able to use the Balinese wiki language as a medium of learning so that we young people can learn Balinese as well as know and understand citizenship issues in society. This Balinese language wiki can attract people's interest because it not only sticks to the island of Bali, the issues in it but also a collection of stories, translations of puzzles and even a Balinese language wiki holds opinion writing events which of course makes us Balinese. people who are interested in exploring and understanding the Balinese language and will automatically make us as users of the bali wiki platform participate in civil matters supported by packaging information from interesting applications. The Balinese wiki language is also very much in line with Bali Province Regulation number 1 of 2018 Concerning Bali Language, Script, and Literature Which Aims to advance Balinese language and iterature in the midst of the onslaught of the globalization era. Om Santih Santih Santih Om  
This study aims to overview the existence of women in Badung Regency who work in the Spa industry and find out the economic, social and cultural roles and implications who work in the Spa industry. This study uses quantitative and qualitative data. The technique of data collection is done through informant interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The results showed overall of 20 spa therapists 85 percent had revealed that they experienced an increase in quality of life after working in the spa industry. Balinese women in the Spa industry have strength in terms of friendly, smiling, honest attitude and high work skills. Its weaknesses include lower English language skills, low motivation to occupy positions, lack of confidence, lack of competency certification. The job opportunity is very high, Bali's tourism potential, Spa is a promising industry, has high priority. Threats faced are changes in consumer tastes and business competition. The role and implications of Balinese women working in the Spa industry (a) economic implications of Balinese women being able to help families to increase family income. (b) The social implications of Balinese women being able to improve their social status themselves and their families. (c) cultural implications of Balinese women being able to preserve their culture.  +
The number of Balinese women taking tourism education at various levels appears to be increasing in line with the development of tourism education institutions and the tourism industry in Bali. This article analyzes the motivation of Balinese women in pursuing higher education in tourism, starting from the Bachelor level to the doctoral program. By applying a qualitative method, this article collects data through interviews with 30 Balinese women who have taken tourism education at various levels. The results show that Balinese women are motivated to take tourism education for several reasons, including the motivation to get a job in the tourism sector, they have families who work in the tourism sector, and they live in Bali which has more job opportunities in the tourism sector. By taking tourism education, Balinese women who were informants in this study proved that they had found better jobs and career opportunities in the tourism industry. Their experiences have also become a source of inspiration for other Balinese women to take the same career path.  +
Bali is famous for its art which is so unique and full of meaning. I hope the government pays more attention to artists by continuing to develop long-term or short-term art programs. Including financial support for artists so that they are enthusiastic about continuing to preserve Balinese art. Balinese art without performers is just an empty shell. Empowerment of artists is also good for the sustainability and preservation of Balinese art. The point is that artists and arts are given more attention by all levels of society.  +
title: Balinese coffee, not inferior to foreign coffee Last time, I went to my sister's house and just then there was a guest. It turned out that the guest was staying there and in the morning he was already seen drinking coffee, and during the day my grandmother and sister and I were picking coffee besides that the guests also went around too. And the guests asked about Balinese coffee with my sister and grandmother, it turned out that the guests really liked Balinese coffee and even more surprisingly, the guests turned out to be able to speak Balinese quite a bit. I was really surprised because the typical Balinese coffee was starting to be liked by foreign guests as well  +
Om swastyastu What I hope for in the future for the province of Bali is that the Balinese people will be more determined in maintaining their Balinese ethnic identity or maintaining our Balinese serenity, just like the many tourists who come to the island of Bali to see the holy day celebrations carried out by the community. Bali, apart from that we also know that tourists travel to tourist spots that are already famous for the beauty and friendliness of the Balinese people. May the people of Bali find safety Om Santhi Santhi Santhi om  +
Babi Guling or Babi Guling is a kind of food made from female or male piglets whose stomachs are filled with spices and vegetables such as cassava leaves and then roasted while rotating them until cooked, marked by a change in skin color to brown and crispy.  +
Speaking Balinese well doesn't always have to use subtle language, depending on who we are talking to. When we talk to people we have to respect or who are older, then we should use gentle language singgih. However, if we only communicate with peers or people we already know, it is enough to use Balinese andap to make our communication easier.  +
I think the BASAbali Wiki platform can encourage participation in civic issues. With this platform, it is easier for all of us to know what is happening around us. On this platform we can express our ideas and creativity that can be enjoyed by everyone. For example like now, here they provide a form to comment freely on how this BASAbali Wiki can encourage us to participate in civic issues that are currently circulating. In this way, we can find out how people perceive something or an issue that is circulating. There is a lot of news circulating here, from art, sports and more here. There are three languages to choose from. We can choose Balinese, Indonesian, and English. That way, not only Balinese people can enjoy it, people outside Bali or abroad can also use it. In addition, there are many other features that we can use, one of which is the dictionary feature. There is a lot of vocabulary in it, so we can get words that we don't know or want to find. When we talk about the Balinese language, we mean that we have preserved our Balinese culture, by using the Balinese language properly and correctly, where Balinese culture is very thick, and in every area of Bali there are various Balinese languages.  +
The world is becoming more and more connected to the global era, the world is boundless, and the Balinese culture is becoming more and more popular, the Balinese language is becoming more and more popular. It is important to be aware of this and be ready, to be aware of it, so that it can be used to promote the language, script and literature of Bali. The promotion and preservation of the Balinese language should be the most important part of the Balinese culture, so why should the Balinese language be used in the development of Bali? The Government of Bali Province has implemented many efforts to preserve the Balinese language. This is based on the Regional Regulation number 1 of 2018 regarding the Balinese Language, Script and Literature, which is amended by the Bali Governor's Regulation No. 80 of 2018 regarding the protection and use of the Balinese Language, Script and Literature, as well as the implementation of the Bali Language Month. The state of Perda and Pergub is to work hard to promote, preserve, and use the Balinese language. It's a good idea to come here today and let's talk about how to speak Balinese language during the Balinese Language Month. The pillar of the Parikrama is that the policy is carried out by all the people of Bali, government agencies and private educational institutions all over Bali. Accompanying the tourists here is the most important thing to learn the Balinese language. May the new year of marriage be full of good fortune, good fortune and good luck again. Ida Hyang Aji Saraswati's wedding ceremony, Ida Hyang Aji Saraswati's wedding ceremony, the day of the Balinese Language Month of the year 2019 is the first, once the people wait or go to Balinese culture. "Following the preservation of the Literary Language of Bali to promote the World, the World of Manners, the Culture of Bali found Sukerta".  +
[EN] One of the shortest kakawins is Banawa Sekar, which is commonly called Banawa Sekar Tanakung because it was written by Mpu Tanakung in 1351 AD. Banawa Sekar means "boat of flowers". This Kakawin was written by Mpu Tanakung (not his real name) when King Hayam Wuruk committed a great holy sacrifice (Sraddha) addressed to his late grandmother, Dyah Rajapatni Gayatri, at Majapahit palace square. There are only 12 stanzas in this kakawin, divided into three chapters. The first chapter describes the magnificence of the sraddha ceremony performed by Raja Hayam Wuruk. Many priests, royal families, nobles and all Majapahit officials were present to offer prayers and respect for the deity of Rajapatni Gayatri which was seated on a white throne. The second chapter describes various offerings from many descendants of the Majapahit aristocracy. There are offerings in the form of poetry, dances and so on. The last offering was a flower boat by King Hayam Wuruk. He offered a boat made from a variety of colorful flowers. There are gadung flowers, lotus, kayu mas, sanggalangit, jasmine, magnolia and so on. The boat was very beautiful. The final chapter expresses regret of the poet for not being able to explain the grandeur of the ceremony as the king expected. He hoped that the kakawin would be received by the king and make him happy before the kakawin was later copied in the form of palm-leaf manuscript. Zoetmulder (1983) transliterated this kakawin into Latin script and translated it into Dutch and Indonesian.  +