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From BASAbaliWiki
Carry out waste bank activities as a solution for handling environmental scale waste berskala +
Main waste bank activities in Gianyar +
Carry out waste bank activities in Banjar Sindu, Sayan Ubud +
Carry out waste bank activities in the village of meet, klungkung +
Carry out waste bank activities in Banjar Karang Suwung, Kelurahan Pedungan +
Implementing a waste bank in Banjar Penestanan Kelod, Ubud +
Waste bank activity at banjar Pande Sayan village , Ubud +
Carry out waste bank activities in Banjar Tengah, Singakerta Village, Ubud +
waste bank activity at Penatih Dangin Puri Village, Denpasar +
carry out waste bank activity in legian village +
Carry out waste bank services to the community in the Tampaksiring sub-district and surrounding areas +
Carry out waste bank activities in the sub-district of Marga, Tabanan Regency +
Doing waste bank activity base on banjar at banjar kaja kauh. abianbase, gianyar +
Implementing waste management through the main waste bank in the Tabanan district +
Carry out waste bank at Mawang Kaja Ubud +
waste bank activities carried out in Banjar Samu, Singapadu Kaler Village, Sukawati +
The waste bank was held at Banjar Nyuh Kuning, Mas village, Ubud +
Carrying out waste bank activities in Banjar Jukut using Singakerta Village +
Carry out waste bank activities in the Payogan Banjar Ubud +
Carrying out waste bank activities with the 3R concept, aimed at educating and inviting the traditional village government and the department in Bugbug village, to manage inorganic waste, as an available human resource asset to protect the environment, and improve the old paradigm that has been using the gathering system, transport, and dispose of, which results in the accumulation of waste in the TPA. +