Made Sukada

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Full Name
Made Sukada
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In English

Made Sukada, born in Denpasar, April 23, 1938. Apart from being a writer and writer, he is a lecturer in Indonesian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Letters (now FCS) Udayana University, Bali. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (1982). He has been writing literature since junior high school, published in various local and national print media, such as Bali Post, Kompas, etc. His published books are Several Aspects of Literature (1987), The Development of Several Indonesian Literary Critics: Systematic Problems of Analysis of Fiction Structures (1987 and 1991), An Illusion (poetry; 1971), The Lost Morning Sun (essay; 1971), The Development of National Literature in Bali (1972), A Little About Drama (1973), and so on. He was the chairman of the Indonesian-Bali Artists Institute (Lesiba). In addition, he also worked as cultural editor of the Suluh Marhaen Daily (now Bali post).

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Made Sukada, lahir di Denpasar, 23 April 1938. Selain sebagai sastrawan dan penulis, ia adalah dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di Fakultas Sastra (kini FIB) Universitas Udayana, Bali. Ia adalah tamatan pascasarjana Fakultas Sastra Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta (1982). Ia telah menulis sastra sejak SMP, dimuat di berbagai media cetak lokal dan nasional, seperti Bali Post, Kompas, dll. Buku-bukunya yang telah terbit adalah Beberapa Aspek tentang Sastra (1987), Pembinaan Beberapa Kritik Sastra Indonesia: Masalah Sistematika Analisis Struktur Fiksi (1987 dan 1991), Sebuah Ilusi (puisi; 1971), Matahari Pagi yang Hilang (esai; 1971), Perkembangan Sastra Nasional di Bali (1972), Sekelumit tentang Drama (1973), dan sebagainya. Ia pernah menjadi ketua Lembaga Seniman Indonesia-Bali (Lesiba). Selain itu, ia juga pernah bekerja sebagai redaktur budaya Harian Suluh Marhaen (kini Bali post).

Examples of work

Pembinaan Kritik Sastra Indonesia
Sukada 00.jpg