Bumi 'Kala and the Guardians'

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Bumi 'Kala and the Guardians'
Photo Credit/Source
Artist / contributor
Dewi Dian Reich Dian Sawidji
Related Place
Sawidji Gallery

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In English

Reflecting on the nature of Time and our relationship to the Earth and Spirit through a conceptual journey. Ref exhibition guide


Kala is known to come with many definitions. Among these are time, death, performing arts, and specific deities in Hinduism, Javanese and Balinese mythologies. Yet, despite the many origin stories, there is a connecting thread that Kala is all of those manifestations. However, in this Collaboration, Kala is our canvas. Here Kala is defined specifically through her manifestation as TIME.

Kala is experienced through the conceptual portraits of the two Guardians representing our Earthly World and our Spiritual World. The portraits of the Guardians of Earth and Spirit were created through a combination of installations and the photography of Dewi Dian and ManButur Suantara. The paintings of Nyoman Handi respond to the questions and reflections raised by the Guardian portraits.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Merefleksikan sifat Waktu dan hubungan kita dengan Bumi dan Roh melalui perjalanan konseptual. Ref exhibition guide


Kala dikenal memiliki banyak definisi. Di antaranya adalah waktu, kematian, seni pertunjukan, dan dewa-dewi tertentu dalam mitologi Hindu, Jawa, dan Bali. Namun, terlepas dari banyaknya cerita asal mula, ada benang merah yang menghubungkan bahwa Kala adalah semua manifestasi itu. Namun, dalam Kolaborasi ini, Kala adalah kanvas kami. Di sini Kala didefinisikan secara khusus melalui manifestasinya sebagai WAKTU.

Kala dialami melalui potret konseptual dari dua Penjaga yang mewakili Dunia Bumi kita dan Dunia Spiritual kita. Potret-potret Penjaga Bumi dan Arwah diciptakan melalui kombinasi instalasi dan fotografi Dewi Dian dan ManButur Suantara. Lukisan-lukisan Nyoman Handi menjawab pertanyaan dan renungan yang dilontarkan oleh para potret Wali.