In your opinion, what impact will the massive construction of large malls have on the local Balinese community?

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Revision as of 07:01, 11 September 2023 by Aryalawamanuaba (talk | contribs)

Anonymous user #1

17 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

17 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

17 months ago
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please avoid destroying Balinese culture !

Anonymous user #1

17 months ago
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Diese gräßlichen Konsum- Monster der westlichen Welt dienen nur dazu, um die Gier nach Konsum und hohlem, sinnlosen Zeitvertreib anzuheizen und die balinesische Kultur, Handel und Lebensweise zu zerstören. Wem nützt es? Ganz sicher nicht den Einheimischen, sondern diejenigen, die hier vom ausland her investieren, verdienen sich eine goldene Nase. Die Menschen hier verlieren nur...

Anonymous user #1

17 months ago
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Tourists come to Bali because it's special - stop ruining it by turning it into every other capital city in the world. If people want to go on a holiday to shop, look somewhere else. Bali is not like it used to be and it's a shame. Bring back Bali of old when the Hard Rock was the most unglamorous building with a rubble carpark on Legian St, when the beaches were not full of dodgy characters, when you didn't feel like you needed to watch your back (from tourists! not locals), etc etc. Stop turning Bali into something it's not, has never been and should never be,.,.,,

Anonymous user #1

17 months ago
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Super mall will eliminate nature of Bali, Baliness culture, so Please stop doing This. Bali is so beautiful. So be it. Just go there, enjoy your Life, and healing. Bali is Bali. No need a super mall.

Anonymous user #1

16 months ago
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It may bring jobs, but in the long run the more western-style attractions like a shopping mall that are built the further you bring the Balinese from their true culture. The attraction of Bali isn’t shopping or spending money, it’s the pure and beautiful culture they have.
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