This study aims to describe history of Kepaon Bali Islamic Village, the structure of local wisdom of tolerant life in Keapon Bali Islamic Village, local wisdom of tolerance between religious communities in Kepaon Bali in the perspective of Tri hita Karana and the values of local wisdom of tolerant life in Kepaon Bali Islamic Village can be used as Social Studies Learning Resources. This research is a qualitative research method. Data were collected using research approaches and methods, as well as data collection techniques, such as observation, interviews, document studies, and literature studies, then the subject and research location consisted of the research location, the following steps: research stage, and the last technical data analysis. The results of this study indicate that Kepaon Islamic Village is a Muslim settlement of Bugis ethnicity and its presence in the center of Denpasar City, the Bugis Muslims of Kepaon Islamic Village have a very spesial historical relationship with the Badung kingdom. The tolerant life in Kepaon Islamic Village in the perspective of Trihita Karana is divided into three parts, namely the Ngejot tradition, the Magibung tradition, and the Rodat dance tradition. The results of this study can be used as a source of social studies learning in SMP/MTs because it has character values such as religious values, tolerance values, unity values, solidarity values, patriotism values, friendship and brotherhood values, values of social care. Hopefully this research can be useful and useful for social studies learning resources in SMP/MTs. simultaneously.
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