Tolerance of One Another

From BASAbaliWiki
Title (Indonesian)
Toleransi Satu Sama Lain
Title (Balines)
Toleransi Ajak Anak Len
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Buku dan ide-ide dari rekan
Pande Gede Galang Pramesta
Photograph credit
I Ketut Mudeyasa
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    51 months ago
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    senang bisa ikut berpartisipasi🙏
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    In English

    Just because we're different it doesn't mean we must hate one another, and that's why we should be tolerant. It's brings us a peacefulness.

    In Balinese

    Mare rage beda sing berarti rage harus saling gedeg, makane rage harus ngidang bertoleransi. Soalne uli to rage ngidaang nepuk kedamaian.

    In Indonesian

    Hanya karena kita berbeda bukan berarti kita harus bermusuhan, maka dari itu kita harus bertoleransi. Karena itu akan memberi kita kedamaian.