Developing speech level in BASAbali wiki

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    Universitas Hindu Negeri Ida Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar
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      Ni Kadek Sudarmini

      27 months ago
      Votes 0++
      Bahasa bali wiki perlu disebarluaskan hingga masyarakat semakin tau mengenai bahasa bali wiki
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      How can the BASAbali Wiki platform encourage you to participate with civic issues?


      In English

      In my opinion, regarding the base bali wiki platform. like now the Balinese language is difficult to use, we as the younger generation should preserve customs and culture. One of them speaks Balinese, we Hindus use Balinese as a communication tool that is used in everyday life. The existence of the Balinese language wiki makes it easier for us to speak Balinese, giving notifications like now helping each other. Like now, the era is instant, technology is increasingly advanced, the digital era is where we get information quickly and quickly provide information on the websaite. This wiki Balinese language is a very good lesson used by students to get innovative and creative learning, in learning social media. As now the Balinese language must be preserved as it is now increasingly extinct.

      In Balinese

      Manut pepineh titiang mengenai platform basabali wiki, sekadi mangkin basa bali meweh keanggen, Irage sebagai generasi muda sepatut nyane ngelestariang adat lan budaya.pinih sinunggal berbahasa bali iraga umat Hindu ngangge bahasa bali sebagai alat komunikasi sane sane keangge ring sedina-dina Kewentenan Basa bali Wiki ngemudahang iraga mebasa bali seantukan ngicen pikayunan sane patut sekadi nyame braya Sekadi mangkin,jaman serba instan, teknologi nyansan maju, jaman serba digital, punika mawinan iraga dangan ngamolihang informasi tur dangan nyobyahang infomasi ring website bahasa bali wiki, puniki pembelajaran sane becik pisan anggen pare sisya ngamolihan pembelajaran sane inovatif lan kreatif , ring pembelajaran media sosial. Sane mangkin bahasa bali patut lestariang kadi jamane sane mangkin sane nyansan punah.

      In Indonesian
