Tusing pesan ia ngelah pamineh nyampatang luu ane ada di malun umahne. Yening orahina teken memene mara ia makinkin nyampat. Buka paete, nagih getok malu mara majalan.
She doesn't have any initiative to sweep in front of her house. If her mom told her to, then she starts sweeping it. She just like a chisel, we must hit it to make it moves (said of a person who is lazy and will not do anything unless someone else tells or forces him to do it).
Sama sekali ia tidak punya pikiran menyapu sampah yang ada di depan rumahnya. Jika diberitahu ibunya baru ia bersiap-siap menyapu. Seperti pahat, minta dipukul dulu baru jalan.
KNSP, is a fraternity which gladly performs cleaning activity, especially cleaning the environment from plastic waste. The fraternity was established in February 2017. Their cleaning act was born out of their concern from the amount of plastic waste that littered Balinese ground. They started by cleaning Padang Galak beach every Tuesday and Thursday in group of three or five for each of those days. Starting in August KNSP joined with Trash Hero and together they joined their activity in cleaning beaches or temples in Bali. They, together with Trash Hero, clean Biaung Beach every Friday or Saba Beach every Sunday.
KNSP, Paiketan Semeton Sane seneng mereresik utamane ngereresikang gumine saking luu luu sane melakar saking plastik. Paiketan pasemetonan puniki sampun wenten saking pebruari 2017, kegiatan puniki kedasarin antuk kegelisahan nyingakin tanah baline skeh medaging luu sane melakar uli plastik. Kegiatan puniki dimulai saking pasih padang galak setiap anggara lan wrespati sareng tetiga utawi lelima se sai sai ipun. Ngenjek bulan agustus KNSP sareng Trash Hero nyangkepang pikayunan puniki sareng sareng mereresik ring pasih utawi ring pura pura sane wenten ring Bali, aktivitas puniki setiap sukra ring pasih biaung utawi dine redite ring pasih saba, nyarengin Trash hero irika.
KNSP, is a fraternity which gladly performs cleaning activity, especially cleaning the environment from plastic waste. The fraternity was established in February 2017. Their cleaning act was born out of their concern from the amount of plastic waste that littered Balinese ground. They started by cleaning Padang Galak beach every Tuesday and Thursday in group of three or five for each of those days. Starting in August KNSP joined with Trash Hero and together they joined their activity in cleaning beaches or temples in Bali. They, together with Trash Hero, clean Biaung Beach every Friday or Saba Beach every Sunday.
KNSP, merupakan ikatan persaudaraan yang dengan senang hati melakukan kegiatan bersih-bersih, terutama membersihkan lingkungan dari sampah-sampah yang berbahan plastik. Ikatan persaudaran ini sudah ada sejak Februari 2017. Kegiatan ini berdasar atas kegelisahan melihat kenyataan bahwa tanah Bali banyak dipenuhi sampah yang berasal dari plastik. Kegiatan ini dimulai dari Pantai Padang Galak setiap Selasa dan Kamis oleh tiga atau lima orang setiap harinya. Menginjak bulan Agustus KNSP bersama Trash Hero menyatukan pemikiran ini bersama-sama melakukan kegiatan bersih-bersih di pantai atau di Pura-Pura yang ada di Bali. Kegiatan ini dilakukan setiap Jumat di Pantai Biaung atau Minggu di pantai Saba, bersama dengan Trash Hero.
Apak anak ulung nyaup luu? Nangka.
What is it that, when it falls down, it grabs the garbage? [riddle] Answer: Jackfruit.
Nangka is fruit covered with protrusions. If the fruit falls to the ground, any trash or leaves, etc., that is falls upon will stick to these protrusions, and thus it would appear that the fruit has reached out and “grabbed” the trash.
[[Word example text en::What is it that, when it falls down, it grabs the garbage? [riddle] Answer: Jackfruit.
Nangka is fruit covered with protrusions. If the fruit falls to the ground, any trash or leaves, etc., that is falls upon will stick to these protrusions, and thus it would appear that the fruit has reached out and “grabbed” the trash.| ]]