Property:Word example text en

From BASAbaliWiki
Showing 20 pages using this property.
My mother bought abon last night.  +
Wayan bought a pack of cigarettes.  +
Wayan bought a pack of cigarettes.  +
The wood is very heavy. I can not draw myself.  +
The wood is very heavy. I can not draw myself.  +
He wears very nice clothes.  +
He wears very nice clothes.  +
The mouse had a lot of children.  +
The mouse had a lot of children.  +
When Mount Agung erupted, my house was exposed with ashes.  +, My little brother plyaing around the beach until he get burn  +
When Mount Agung erupted, my house was exposed with ashes.  +
My little brother plyaing around the beach until he get burn  +
Father bought abug.  +, Putu Puspa likes abug snacks. Gus Wija just bought abug snacks.  +
Putu Puspa likes abug snacks. Gus Wija just bought abug snacks.  +
Father bought abug.  +
The gray hair grew evenly.  +
The gray hair grew evenly.  +
At that moment, he only spoke a word.  +
At that moment, he only spoke a word.  +
He ate one banana milk.  +, I only ate one banana  +