Moderation of religion ring jurisdiction over education and society
- Title (Indonesian)
- Moderasi Beragama di Lingkungan Pendidikan dan masyarakat
- Title (Balines)
- Moderasi beragama ring wewidangan pendidikan lan masyarakat
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- English
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- Mahasiswa (college students)
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- STKIP Agama Hindu Amlapura
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In English
get formal religious knowledge from basic education to education should be an example for the wider community in religious moderation. value that contained in this religious moderation is like an invitation to moderate religion, no fanatical about a belief, appreciate different views, spread each other kindness, and helping each other. In carrying out their duties students must cultivate the mentality
social behavior and ways of behaving in everyday life. In this religious moderation is not intended to interfere with the life and practice of individual religion as a person. instead emphasizing the understanding and practice of substantive religion which always puts forward the essence of every religious teaching and ritual. Therefore, it needs to be emphasized that the main objective of moderation is aimed at protecting human dignity and building values that are based on the principles of fairness, balance and obedience to the constitution as the nation's agreement. In general, religious moderation is a mediation for issues of relations between religious communities, as well as a perspective on religious practices that practice the essence of religious teachings which essentially contain dignified human values. The reason is, this diversity is a gift that has been given to God. This framework of thinking on the urgency of religious moderation is built on the awareness that the most noble essence of religious teachings is human dignity. which indicates that the strengthening of religious perspectives, attitudes, and practices referred to in strengthening religious moderation is primarily related to social and state life. This point is more about affirming the perspectives, attitudes, and behavior of religious teachings should not result in storage and violations of the ideology and state constitution (Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution) which have become the consensus with the Indonesian nation. Because the true understanding of religious moderation explicitly necessitates every Indonesian citizen to embrace and worship according to their respective religions.In Balinese
Mahasisia dados bagian saking masyarakat meduwe galah mikolihang ajah-ajahan agama ring pendidkan formal saking pendidikan dasar kantos pendidkan tinggi. Punika ngawinang mahasisia patut dados conto teladan majeng ring krama siosan ngeninin indik moderasi maagama. Nilai sane wenten ring moderasi beragama puniki inggih punika nuldulin kayun iraga sareng sami mangda maagama sane moderat, nenten fanatik majeng ring sraddha-bhakti umat maagama siosan, ngargain pabinayan kayun, nyobiahang dharma, miwah nulungin anak siosan. Ritatkala ngmargiang swadharma, mahasisia patut kadasarin antuk rasa sosial tur solidaritas. Moderasi maagama puniki nenten tetujone mikobetin krama ritatkala ngmargiang swadharma dados umat maagama soang-soang. Moderasi maagama puniki ngutamayang parilaksana sane adiluhung nyaga kerumaketan umat maagama. Santukan punika, moderasi beragama puniki tetujon nyane inggih punika ngutamayang parilaksana moderat angge nyaga martabat umat maagama sinamian ring jagate puniki. Moderasi beragama inggih punika ngwangun relasi maagama sane ngatutin ajah-ajahan adilihung sane wenten ring agama soang-soang malarapan antuk papineh utawi kayun sane becik, parilaksana sane patut, tur praktik maagama sane prasida nincapang rasa karumaketan umat maagama. Yening kayun, papineh, utawi parisolah sampun prasida becik, pastika sampun nenten wenten pabuat sane maimpasan saking Pancasila miwah UUD 1945 sane dados pamikukuh dasar ring panegara Indonesia puniki. Moderasi beragama puniki prasida nuntun para jadma mangda nincapang sraddha-bhakti nyane nganutin agamanyane soang-soang.
In Indonesian
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