Technology Improves Lives

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Revision as of 14:04, 21 October 2023 by Ikoamadeus (talk | contribs)
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Photograph by
Kadek Dimas Raditya
SLB Negeri 1 Buleleng
High School
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    Election 2024: What programs should the candidates for government office plan for the people with disabilities?


    In English

    The existence of people with various disabilities should be taken into consideration by leaders who will be elected in the upcoming elections, because people with disabilities have the same rights as other citizens. They also have a lot potential such as using information and communication technology. Based on the ability to apply technology, information and communication, people with disabilities can improve their lives and develop useful technology. Technology, information and communication are essential for improving services and productivity. Therefore, the leaders are expected to design an ICT Technical Training programs for people with disabilities who have finished school so that they can have skills in technology to get jobs.

    In Balinese

    Kawentenan penyandang disabilitas sane mangkin patut kauratiang olih pemimpin sane kapilih ring pemilu jagi rauh, riantukan penyandang disabilitas madue hak sane pateh ring krama sane lianan. Akeh potensi sane kaduenang minakadi ngawigunayang teknologi informasi lan komunikasi. Majalaran antuk kawagedan ngaplikasiang teknologi, informasi lan komunikasi, penyandang disabilitas prasida nincapang kauripan, lan ngembangang teknologi sane mawiguna. Teknologi, informasi lan komunikasi pinih mabuat pisan nincapang layanan lan produktivitas. Duaning asapunika pemimpin kaaptiang mangda ngrencanayang program BIMTEK TIK majeng penyandang disabilitas sane sampun tamat masekolah, mangda madue katerampilan ring bidang teknologi gumanti elah ngrereh pakaryan.

    In Indonesian