Indonesia Sampun Merdeka 77 Tahun

From BASAbaliWiki
I Wayan Putra Mahendra Widnyana
SMA Negeri 1 Amlapura
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    30 months ago
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    Independence day challenge -- write a caption!


    In English

    Indonesia has been independent for 77 years. Merdeka means freedom of the state. Indonesia was independent on August 17, 1945 from the invaders thanks to the spirit of the fighters who were willing to sacrifice their bodies to defend the nation and state. So in this modern era, we as the next generation must respect the fighters, by making Indonesia proud with achievements. In addition, we must help each other and maintain the unity and integrity of Indonesia, both within the family and society so that it is always peaceful.

    In Balinese

    Sampun 77 tahun Indonesia merdeka. Merdeka artin ipun kebebasan bernegara. Indonesia sampun merdeka duk tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 saking para penjajah antuk semangat para pejuang sane sampun purun ngorbanang raga jagi melanin bangsa lan negara. Dadosne ring zaman modernne puniki, iraga dados generasi penerus mangdane ngormatin pejuang sane dumun, antuk makarya ngemecikang negara Indonesia rauhing ngenenin prestasi. Siosan ring punika iraga patut saling tulungin lan ngebagin persatuan lan kesatuan Indonesia, becik ring lingkungan kulawarga miwah masyarakat mangdane nyabran rahina trepti.

    In Indonesian

    Sudah 77 tahun Indonesia merdeka. Merdeka artinya kebebasan bernegara. Indonesia sudah merdeka pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 dari para penjajah berkat semangat para pejuang yang rela mengorbankan raganya untuk membela bangsa dan negara. Jadi di zaman modern ini, kita sebagai generasi penerus harus menghormati para pejuang, dengan cara mengharumkan negara Indonesia dengan berprestasi. Selain itu kita harus saling tolong menolong dan menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan Indonesia, baik di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat agar selalu damai.

    Property "SummaryTopic" (as page type) with input value "Indonesia has been independent for 77 years. Merdeka means freedom of the state. Indonesia was independent on August 17, 1945 from the invaders thanks to the spirit of the fighters who were willing to sacrifice their bodies to defend the nation and state. So in this modern era, we as the next generation must respect the fighters, by making Indonesia proud with achievements. In addition, we must help each other and maintain the unity and integrity of Indonesia, both within the family and society so that it is always peaceful." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.